C&A Foundation

Every year, corporate foundation C&A Foundation release their annual report to touch on the incredible work carried out that year, and the spaces in which they can improve. The problem is, not many people take the time to read through pages upon pages of results.

The work.
For the 2016 Annual Report, we decided to move away from a tangible print out report, and moved the entire report online, with a fresh new feel. I had responsibility for the report copy, from short introduction pieces to hard hitting editorial, fact finding and checking, to conducting and writing interviews. The report is a beautiful display of how C&A Foundation is making fashion a force for good.
Some examples below of the interviews I conducted and wrote. Click across for more ->

Working closely with the design team, we came up with ways to make technical information visually stimulating and memorable. The website is interactive, with moving elements, animation and video use.
See why fashion is a force for good.