We must, we can and we will solve climate change. It’s that simple.
And that difficult.
Because the climate change challenge is so great and its consequences are so serious.
Which makes optimism essential. Because hope beats fear. It’s the attitude that inspires progress.
We behave, buy, vote and work for change because we are optimists. And our vocal optimism will take our actions even further. It will make others bold. Political action, business innovation, new investment and global transformation all become possible.
Optimism has always had this power. Humanity has eradicated diseases, overcome great injustices and even reached the stars because enough of us believed we could.
And when we succeed this time, we’ll solve more than climate change. Renewable energy means jobs. Solar energy can help free people from poverty. Cutting pollution benefits our health.
And we’re already doing this. Our optimism is fuelled by the new solutions, inventions and daily efforts from individuals and organisations across the world.
Each of us must face climate change in our own way. We choose belief in a better future. We choose action. We choose hope.
Solving climate change starts with the belief that we can. We are climate optimists. Opt In.